Oof getting older. Remember those days when you were a kid and you’d complain to your parents that you were bored? They always replied with exasperation followed by a list of things you could do but didn’t want to do. Or they told you to go outside and not bother them. Have you noticed that
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Swearing at the Gym
I’m no longer “with it.” I’ve become an old fogie. Has this happened to you? Fair warning: there are graphic references to strong profanity in this post. I like listening to lots of different kinds of music. At home it’s blues, jazz, zydeco or classical. When I’m in the gym they stream current music which is
Read MoreArtists Aren’t the Only Visual People
Are you a visual person? If you are, you have a hard time not seeing things. Around here there are people who can’t possibly be the visual type. Their front yard is strewn with torn open trash bags and crushed beer cans. Or broken-down cars, washing machines, refrigerators, and tetanus incrusted swing sets. No doubt
Read MoreWho Was This Guy?
We went out to breakfast at our favorite haunt on Monday. It was nice to sit and be served. Our waiter introduced himself as Joseph. He took our drink order, chatting about what good choices we’d made. He asked did we want sugar? Cream? Honey? Extra lemon? . He nodded, smiling in approval with each
Read MoreTrash Panda Invasion
We have a problem. Maybe you have this problem too. In the last 8 years, we’ve caught over 72 raccoons, 36 possums, a skunk, a feral cat and our two housecats in a Have-A-Heart trap. . Ken and I name all the captives. We started with random names, went through the Presidents, various famous women,
Read MoreLaughter Becomes You
I’m a big fan of laughter. It’s a universal human trait. I use it in my personal life and in my coaching. But I’m curious: Why do we laugh? It seems to be something uniquely human. . That’s what I thought until I learned that 65 different species of animals have their own sort of
Read MoreThe Bad Jam Gig
I’ve been in bands for a long time. I’ve loved my various band mates, hated them, and hidden with them when fights broke out in scary places we played. I’ve been hit on and heckled by drunks. Women have threatened to kick my ass because their boyfriends liked my singing. . I’ve met lifelong friends.
Read MoreCompany on a Desert Island
Who would you choose to be stranded with on a desert island? Just 2 of you. No idea how long you’ll be there. Give it some thought. . The pandemic has been hard on friends, roommates, and family. It’s been an acid test of how we see the people we love, what we’re willing to
Read MoreUnexpected Adult Education
I once worked with a bookish guy named Tom. What I didn’t realize was how naïve he was. Tom came from a religious family and had led a sheltered life. When he started college, he needed to get a part time job. He was so excited when he came across an ad in the newspaper
Read MoreChicken foot dominos
Here in the Midwest, people still get together and visit on the porch, make music, play euchre, and have happy hour together. And they play chicken foot dominos. There are quite a few versions of chicken foot but it’s an easy game to play. Everyone makes mistakes, laughter can be uproarious and prolonged, the players
Read MoreA Close Encounter with Herkimer
I drive these country roads daily. Mostly I encounter potholes, people driving in the middle of the road, quarry trucks, and tailgaters. But one morning as I maneuvered down a double S curve, I came face to snout with a black bull. I can’t even begin to describe how massive this creature was that was
Read MoreMom and the Clinique Counter
Aging. The whole topic of aging is loaded with unexploded emotional and self-worth landmines. We never know how to navigate around aging safely. Young people want to look older. Older people want to look younger. People lie about their age so often they actually forget how old they are. They avoid talking about their age,
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