Just an April story from 2021. We had a late April snow a few weeks ago. It started out as a howling wind, then icy rain, then snow. We watched the temperature drop rapidly from 54 degrees, finally settling at 27 degrees. The following morning it snowed again. Along with the new flurries were big
Read MorePets & Animals
Good-Bye Earle
I did something I was afraid to do and I guess I’m proud of myself. I have mixed emotions about this event. I’m part of a chicken co-op and during COVID our old hens decided not to lay any more. We hung on to the girls mostly because the co-op excels at procrastination. Eventually we
Read MoreTrash Panda Invasion
We have a problem. Maybe you have this problem too. In the last 8 years, we’ve caught over 72 raccoons, 36 possums, a skunk, a feral cat and our two housecats in a Have-A-Heart trap. . Ken and I name all the captives. We started with random names, went through the Presidents, various famous women,
Read MoreLaughter Becomes You
I’m a big fan of laughter. It’s a universal human trait. I use it in my personal life and in my coaching. But I’m curious: Why do we laugh? It seems to be something uniquely human. . That’s what I thought until I learned that 65 different species of animals have their own sort of
Read MoreA Close Encounter with Herkimer
I drive these country roads daily. Mostly I encounter potholes, people driving in the middle of the road, quarry trucks, and tailgaters. But one morning as I maneuvered down a double S curve, I came face to snout with a black bull. I can’t even begin to describe how massive this creature was that was
Read MoreGnatly won’t leave me alone
I have a new pet. I don’t want this pet. It’s a gnat. . It follows me wherever I go in the house. In general, I don’t kill bugs or other living things. I take them outside. I may make an exception with this one. . Gnatly will sit on my laptop as I write
Read MoreWeighty Wood Roach
When you live in the country, you live with the critters that invade your house. We have wolf spiders, Indiana wood roaches, no-see-ems, midges, biting flies, wasps, gnats, ants, etc. . If they’re inside, I take them outside. It’s a no-kill kind of house, at least from my point of view. Ken also takes out
Read MoreUnfortunately Froggie Goes Camping
I’ve taken a lot of trips with my sister. Some of those trips were fabulous and some were an adventure I’m hoping never to repeat. . On one trip we were driving across country in a Westphalia VW camper van with her now ex-husband Charles. He’d never been to Mexico, so we nipped down to
Read MoreConvince me. Do Deer Really Have Brains?
When you live in the country 30 minutes from town, there’s a good chance something will leap, fly, scurry, slither or saunter across the road in front of you. Deer are a real problem. Coming home one evening, I was just crossing an area of open fields when a huge buck leapt out in front
Read MoreMom and Nako the Snake
I once lived in an apartment with 3 other women, all of us under 5’4” which we considered important. These women are still my lifelong friends although only two of us live near one another. Still, we are all wrapped up in one another’s history. These were great times. We had a lot of dinner
Read MoreChad the birddog: Up to more tricks
Our tradition was to sit on my folk’s back patio in warm weather at 5pm for happy hour. Dad rigged up a sound system and played classical music and opera. It was relaxing sitting there in the balmy evening air talking, eating mixed nuts and having a cocktail or a soda to strains of La
Read MoreSquirrels are eating our cars!
Conversations are all stories. Everything that comes out of our mouths gets filtered through the cheesecloth of our brains. Ick. I’m not sure I like that analogy but you get my drift. Here’s an example: Today I was making breakfast and noticed that Ken was tip toeing across our deck with a gun in his
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